Meet our Pastors

Our pastors at Cornerstone Church

Meet Our Pastors

Jansen Family

Jansen, Senior Pastor

Christopher Jansen – Senior Pastor

Christopher Jansen has been pastor in Waupun for 10 years. Prior to that he served in ministry around the Fox Cities for more than 10 years.

In addition to serving as pastor in Waupun, Christopher is the Director of Children’s Ministry for the Wisconsin Distric UPCI.

He and his wife, Sabrina, have two children who are actively involved in supporting the work of the church.

Delgado, Spanish Pastor

Delgado, Spanish Pastor

Armando Delgado – Spanish Pastor

Armando Delgado es pastor de la obra Español, tiene más de 10 años en el ministerio, es un ministro con licencia.

Su esposa es Evelyn Delgado y tienen 3 hijos.

Armando Delgado is pastor of the Spanish work at Cornerstone. He has more than 10 years experience in the ministry, and is a licensed minister with the United Pentecostal Church International.

He and his wife, Evelyn, have 3 children.

Gyrion, Assistant Pastor

Gyrion, Executive Pastor

Chuck Gyrion – Executive Pastor

Chuck Gyrion has served in ministry in various capacities for over 20 years. He is the Executive Pastor and Treasurer at Cornerstone.

He and his wife, Sue, assist with many different ministry areas at Cornerstone.

Leone Administrative Pastor

Leone, Administrative Pastor

Matthew Leone – Administrative Pastor

Matthew Leone is a Mechanical Engineer by trade. He was brought on to Cornerstone’s staff as the Administrative Pastor in 2023 and is and avid guitar player.
Matthew and his wife, Jessica, have been married since 2007 and have two children.
Turner, Assistant Pastor

Ryan Turner, Assistant Pastor

Ryan Turner, Assistant Pastor

Ryan Turner recently joined the Cornerstone family as Assistant Pastor. Ryan formerly pastored in Watertown, WI prior to moving to Waupun. Before that, he and his wife, Ashlin, oversaw the youth ministry team there.

Both Ryan and Ashlin have a passion for ministry and a desire to bring the hope of the gospel message to everyone around them.